I suspect I was not the only one to start off 2017 staying up way too late, but after about six hours of sleep I began the new year in one of the best ways possible.
Reading Scripture.
Many of us at church are taking the blessed trek through all 66 books together in 2017, and today’s reading was Genesis 1-3. Because the kids will be joining us on this journey, I am at least beginning it in the version they are using, the New Revised Standard Version. I am glad I did, because in the first chapter of the Bible there was a very cool pairing that happened frequently.
“God said” and “And that’s exactly what happened.”
If there is one thing that history has proven, it is that when God says that He is going to do something, or that something is going to happen…well…
That’s exactly what is going to happen.
My prayer for you is that you will have faith in the One who is so reliable, even when what He promised was at such great cost to Himself.
That is, when He said He would provide a Savior and sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross so we could spend eternity with Him.
Happy New Year everyone! Grace, peace, and love to you all.
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